Hi, I’m Stacyann.

As a professional astrologer, I specialize in helping women gain clarity, healing, and growth so that they can create impact in the world, doing work they love.

I discovered astrology as a teenager. The period of human development defined by lots of intense feelings and very little perspective. 

I felt like an outsider and knew I didn’t fit in, even while appearing to fit in. Astrology was the tool that helped me survive that time because it affirmed who I am and made it TOTALLY OKAY.  

Since then, astrology combined with other therapeutic modalities has gotten me through some of my darkest times. Like rich dark soil, it has helped nourish the ongoing process of becoming my true self.

Whether you want to experience greater freedom, a thriving career, or healthy relationships, by affirming your authentic self, you finally dare to make empowered decisions about the kind of life you want to lead. And how to contribute your gifts to the world.

I can hold space for you during your most vulnerable “on the ground” moments. When you’re faced with the choice of continuing on a safe but less than a perfect path or walking towards something you don’t quite yet see.

My work can support you to:

  • Explore ways to align your inner world with your outer world
  • Connect more clearly with your life’s purpose and make progress towards your dreams
  • Transform aspects of your life with practical guidance
  • Empower your personal development journey with easy to understand tools and practices


“I met Stacyann at an event and was immediately drawn to her authentic energy. She is a gifted astrologer with a deep understanding of the stars and planets. Her energy shows she loves what she does.

I had my first birth chart consultation with Stacyann. It was incredible, it gave me a deeper insight for myself, as to why some of my actions are not matching what I really want deep inside. So I now have a  refreshed perspective on what I want to personally work on for myself.”

Angie W.

“I was needing some sort of direction in regards to life/soul purpose.  I was feeling very much alone and a bit lost at the time of the reading.  Now I feel like I can connect to the aspects of myself that I would have previously rejected. Subsequently I am more accepting of myself and who I am. Pretty massive really. The birth chart consultation, has greatly increased my ability to love and accept myself and thereby strengthening my resolve to become my own best friend first and foremost. My previous experience of readings often left me confused but a reading with Stacyann left me with more focus, which was the key element for me. Stacyann has a true gift for this work!”

Edel R.

My wish:  A world led by people who feel connected, healthy,  and whole; while contributing their diverse gifts to an interdependent global community.

Professional qualifications, history, & associations:

  • Certificate in Astrology (with distinction), Mayo School of Astrology, UK
  • Astrological Ethics Awareness Training and Certificate (Certified by CAPISAR)
  • Masters, biomedical sciences, University of California, San Francisco
  • Bachelors, nutritional sciences, Cornell University
  • I’ve worked in health, international development, and communications for over 12 years, all in the service of making meaningful changes that impact people’s lives. 
  • Astrological Associations:  
    • International Society for Astrological Research (ISAR)
    • The Organization for Professional Astrology (OPA)

Fun facts:

  • I’m a Capricorn Sun (29°) with an Aquarius Rising and an Aries Moon
  • I’m a third culture kid (TCK)
  • I’m a Generator, INFJ, and life path 6
  • I cry often and easily, the secret life of an empath:-)
  • Favorite travel experiences (so far in alphabetical order):  Ecuador, Ireland, Peru & Switzerland
  • Favorite way to celebrate: dessert. Yum!
  • Oprah raised me (jk)
  • I’m a student of all things meta-physics— crystals, channeling, flower essences, shamanism, dream work, tarot, etc.

My Story

Memories of my early life in Jamaica feel like a collection of random images from a View-Master. I remember attending a one-room school. Seeing ghosts. Eating mangoes. Using a very intimidating outhouse. Holding a piece of wet ice cube to my ears in preparation for getting them pierced on the veranda of my family home.

I left those scenes behind at four years old, with my mother, older sister, and an aunty, bound for Long Island, New York. Like many others before us, to seek better economic opportunities.

I didn’t know it then, but this move to the States was a pivotal transition that continues to inform who I am today and fuels my desire to walk with others through their own.

Growing up as a Third Culture Kid (TCK) or immigrant has a few distinct challenges. Culture and language, being the most obvious. I also grew up with an acute sense of sacrifices made on my behalf to live to afford life in the US. Both the spoken and unspoken. This is where my overactive responsibility gene comes from, a deep need to repay those sacrifices. On top of that, I’ve always felt called towards a life of meaning and purpose. 

My life decisions held a weightiness I didn’t recognize in my American peers. At a young age, the beliefs that failure wasn’t an option and I was entirely responsible for myself were deeply internalized thought patterns.

Without much parental guidance, how did I manage to navigate this new culture? 

I was primed for all things personal development. I was eager to learn how to achieve my goals and to live well. I learned what I could through personal development books and watching Oprah on television.

In those early years, is when I discovered astrology. Finally, a tool that actually saw me for me. Astrology was the tool that helped me survive being a teenager because it affirmed the feeling of being an outsider, and it allowed me to accept that aspect of self and lean into my strengths.

I went on to achieve academic and professional success, and astrology drifted into the background. I would tap back into its magic and power via the occasional star signs column. I focused instead on improving the world around me.

Then came my first Saturn return. 

We all go through this period between 28-30 years old (and again age 58-60), where we transition into adulthood. For some, it’s marked by a major accomplishment, and for others, it’s a time of major crisis.

My first Saturn return was the latter. By the end of it, I walked away from a promising career in global health and international development. I was overworked, burned out, feeling disheartened, and disconnected from my purpose.

I didn’t know it then, but I received a masterclass in boundaries and power while also seeding the beginnings of personal transformation that continues today. 

Astrology, therapy, bodywork, Brene Brown books, and spiritual workshops/retreats brought me back to me, enough to know I was ready to move on.

There is another way

Since then, another seven years have passed. I’ve realigned my life towards greater joy, freedom, and faith. I’m manifesting a diverse community of healers, pioneers, mystics, travelers, soulmates, and misfits. I also continue to gain wisdom, confidence, and a deeper relationship with myself through my most on-the-ground moments. 

I’m honored to be a mentor and guide for those who are also on their self-discovery journey.

Work With Me

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