Not everyone has time to sit with an astrologer for in-depth consultation and coaching. To support those under time pressures, I’ve created Ask Me Anything— an easy way to consult a professional astrologer for your most pressing yet straightforward questions. Receive answers on personal growth, relationships, work & money, health & well-being, or family.

How it works

After receiving your question, I will use astrological techniques to synthesize a response. The basis of which will be your astrological birth chart data. An accurate birth date, time, and location are required.

What you get

  • Analysis, written response, copies of relevant charts

Turn around time

  • 1-2 weeks


  • $77

Remember to keep it

  • simple and specific
  • focused on you

Hi, I’m Stacyann—

As a professional astrologer, I’ve helped clients catalyze new ways of being and promote grounding during some of their most stressful times.

I’ve also worked in health, communications, and international development for over twelve years—all in the service of making meaningful changes that impact people’s lives.

I hold a certificate from the Mayo School of Astrology in the UK, a bachelor’s degree in nutritional sciences from Cornell University, and a master’s in biomedical sciences from the University of California, San Francisco.

Suggestions on how to frame your question:

  • How can I (ex., have more fun, make more money, or find my partner)
  • How can I better understand and manage__(ex. anger, fear, or overwhelm?)
  • When is a good time to do x?
  • I just had or am about to have a child; how can I prepare for my new role as a parent?
  • Why do I suddenly feel not like myself?
  • How can I understand and work better with__?
  • How can I understand my relationship with my family?
  • How can I create a community that is right for me? 

I have something more complex to tackle. Is this still right for me?

You can schedule a 90-Minute Astro Guidance & Support consultation— recommended for more in-depth and nuanced questions needing support.


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