A new season calls for a different approach. 

So what’s the best approach for Autumn 2024?  Nature provides a lot of clues. 

The days slowly get shorter and temperatures begin to cool, gently nudging us to spend more time indoors.

Leaves turn from a vibrant green to impressive pigments of red, orange, yellow, purple, and brown— whispering to us to conserve our energy for the coming of winter is near.

In the animal kingdom, birds such as geese, hawks, and robins begin to head south towards their winter homes— signaling to us a change in our environment and a response is needed. 

Autumn is also harvest time. We receive a final offering from the earth in the form of apples, pumpkins, squash, cranberries, grapes, pears, and pomegranates. Grateful, we celebrate and give thanks for the harvest.

To summarize, nature communicates to us that Autumn is a period for shifting from external to internal. 

For 2024, Autumn officially begins on September 22, 2024 at 5:43 am PT and goes until December 20/21 depending on your location.

Two questions to ponder during the Autumn’s seasonal transition 

How are you preparing? 

Autumn is a season of transition—a time to slow down and reflect on what’s needed for the months ahead. Winter is coming, and autumn offers the space to prepare both physically and emotionally. What are the habits, practices, or resources you need to carry you through the coldest, darkest days? This is the time to take stock of your life—whether it’s your home, your work, or your relationships. What needs to be cleared out? What systems are no longer serving you and should be let go? Just as nature sheds its leaves, consider what you might release to make space for what truly nourishes you. 

What are you celebrating?  

Autumn is also a season of harvest, a time to honor the fruits of your labor. Look back on what you planted in the spring—your goals, intentions, or projects. How have they come to fruition? Even if the outcome wasn’t exactly what you envisioned, there is always wisdom gained from the process. Celebrate the growth, the lessons learned, and the resilience you’ve developed. This is a time to acknowledge both your successes and your efforts. The harvest may be tangible or symbolic, but it’s important to recognize and celebrate it all. What achievements, big or small, are you ready to honor this season?

The Zodiac Signs of Autumn

Libra— The Lover, Diplomat, Artist, Social Justice Activist (Sept. 22 – Oct 21)

When the Sun moves through Libra, we’re initiated into autumn and become more attuned to seeking balance and tranquility. This shift invites us to use the beauty of the season to soothe our senses and strengthen ourselves in preparation for the harsher months ahead.

Libra season also encourages us to take a final look beyond ourselves. How do we impact our relationships and immediate environment, and how do they, in turn, influence us? And most importantly, how can these interactions contribute to a deeper sense of equanimity?

Scorpio — The Detective, Medicine Woman, Therapist (Oct. 22 to Nov. 20)

After Libra, the Sun transits through Scorpio, where the autumnal energy is maintained, urging us to drop all pretense and honor the emotional intensity of being human. This journey requires courage.

If you allow it, Scorpio season can become one of the most transformative periods of the year. Energetically, you’re more equipped to confront various fears, including one of the most common—death. Scorpio season reminds us of life’s impermanence and challenges us to face this reality daily, ultimately guiding us toward a life truly worth living.

Sagittarius — The Traveler, Student, Philosopher (Nov. 21 to Dec. 20)

Finally, we bid farewell to autumn on a celebratory note. As preparations for winter come to a close, the Sun’s transit through Sagittarius offers a wonderful period for gratitude, optimism, and adventure.

Sagittarius season invites you to seek purpose and meaning in life. Once our physical and emotional needs are met, we naturally crave more—more knowledge, experiences, and authentic existence. While this pursuit might feel indulgent, it’s an essential part of embracing the autumnal season fully.

What to expect astrologically for Autumn 2024

Completion of eclipse season 2024

This current eclipse season began at the tail end of summer and will culminate in autumn. On October 2, 2024, we have a solar eclipse at 10° Libra. During this time, you may find yourself thrown off balance, in order to confidently find your way back. Honesty—both with yourself and others—will be crucial.

Eclipses are unstable energetic portals that usher us into new chapters of life. These transitions can be dramatic or subtle. Trust that everything is unfolding in your favor, even if the outcome isn’t what you would have chosen.

Jupiter stations retrograde at 21° Gemini

Since May 25, Jupiter has been journeying through Gemini, encouraging us to evolve from mere consumers of information into skilled architects and visionaries of a new narrative. Yes, it’s a big ask, but the universe understands this and graciously offers us a chance to catch up. Jupiter’s retrograde period in Autumn 2024 begins on October 9 and ends on February 4, 2025. If you’ve lost focus or momentum, this is your opportunity to realign. Use the insights you’ve gained to make empowered choices toward your future goals. Jupiter retrograde in Gemini makes it clear: staying stuck in overwhelm is no longer an option.

Pluto settles into Aquarius for the next two decades

On November 19, 2024, Pluto will reenter Aquarius for a long stay until 2044. Pluto exposes power abuses, secrets, suppressed emotions, and the need for transformation. As it moves through Aquarius, a sign tied to humanity, innovation, and revolution, we’ll face challenges like unchecked progress, groupthink, and the marginalization of others. This period will call for a deeper understanding of human expression and the fight for basic rights, highlighting the importance of shared humanity and the transformative work needed on both individual and collective levels. 

With transpersonal planets like Pluto, we often find ourselves influenced by the larger themes and energies of the era. Use this autumn to gain clarity on the personal lessons Pluto in Aquarius will bring you over the coming decades.

A final Mercury retrograde of 2024 

From November 26 to December 15, Mercury will retrograde between 22° and 6° Sagittarius. Mercury typically feels uncomfortable in Sagittarius, as it loses some of its usual ability to filter and communicate tactfully. This retrograde can, therefore, lead to messy communications, giving off a grandiose, unfiltered vibe. When gathering with others, be mindful of the atmosphere before sharing your beliefs or opinions. It’s a time to stay open to new information and allow yourself enough time to process it. Try to avoid jumping to conclusions during Mercury retrograde in Sagitarrius. You can find more tips on navigating Mercury retrograde here.

Mars stations retrograde at 6° Leo 

Mars will retrograde in Leo from December 6, 2024, to February 24, 2025, marking a period of slowed momentum and reflection. Typically, Mars in Leo drives bold creative expression, but during retrograde, this energy shifts, prompting us to pause and evaluate. Can you unplug from the fast pace of 2024, or have you become too addicted to it? This retrograde encourages all of us to assess how well we’ve brought our creations to life, manage emotions, and navigate challenges with others. Common themes include suppressed anger, burnout, or apathy, offering a chance for growth and change.

Let’s work together this Autumn

Ready to tackle your most pressing personal development goals? Book an Astro Guidance and Support consultation with me today! Together, we’ll explore how the current planetary movements are encouraging change and supporting your personal growth. You deserve the attention and care it takes to respond fully to life. Click here to schedule your session.

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