The Sun enters Scorpio at the height of spooky season. The beautiful colors of early Autumn begin to fade. Sunlight becomes evermore scarce, and daily life activities continue to draw inward. 

Scorpio season’s ghostliness reminds us of taboo aspects of life, often involving intense emotional encounters. The Sun moving through this archetype now will trigger the undoing of a complicated web of control, with help from the Solar and Lunar eclipses.

Scorpio Season Quick Takes

Duration:  Oct. 23 – Nov. 21, 2022 

Archetypes:  The Therapist, Detective, Enchanter, Shaman

Ruling planet:  Mars

Element: Water

Mode: Fixed


  • Partial Solar Eclipse New Moon:  2° Scorpio on October 25 at 3:48 am PST
  • Total Lunar Eclipse Full Moon:  16° Taurus on November 8 at 6:02 am PST


  • Mars stations retrograde: Oct. 30 at 25° Gemini

Additional planetary shifts (ingresses) during this period:

  • Venus enters Scorpio:  Oct. 23
  • Jupiter (R) enters Pisces:  Oct. 28
  • Mercury enters Scorpio:  Oct. 29
  • Venus enters Sagittarius:  Nov.16
  • Mercury enters Sagittarius: Nov. 17

Awakening to self-possession

Scorpio season opens with the Sun and Venus both at 0°Scorpio, merging solar and lunar qualities that impact how the season will unfold. 

Scorpio, a fixed-water sign (traditionally ruled by Mars), is a magnetic energy that pierces through pretense to reveal our vulnerabilities. To do so requires absolute presence to what is—no sidestepping the truth because, in Scorpio, it becomes instinctual.

A truth that may arise for you during this period is who or what has been pulling your strings. The control dynamic may seem innocent and less extreme in some instances, but the results are the same. 

  • Are you able to stay calm when everything around is not?
  • How does the amount of money in your bank account make you feel?  
  • Do your emotions swing from high to low just by opening your social media feeds?
  • Does one off-hand comment from a boss or family erode your confidence?
  • What are the obsessive behaviors that lead to self-loathing?

This is control, and it’s complicated. But there’s good news.

Possessing yourself is a conscious process, embarked upon when you have sobering clarity that you don’t. Use this Scorpio season to awaken self-possession. Like a detective, get curious. You can untangle from the web of control. 

Keeping it real with Venus in Scorpio

Venus’ vibe is all things beauty, peace, art, relationships, and what we deem valuable. While in Scorpio, the Venusian energy intensifies because there is no hiding behind niceties in Scorpio. From now until November 16th, Venus in Scorpio will help you see the beauty and value in the grittier aspects of life. This will be a superpower during your awakening to self-possession and efforts to regain control.

The best way to do Venus in Scorpio is to align your feelings with your actions, especially in relationships. Balance and peace can still be achieved but only through raw honesty with yourself and others. Venus in Scorpio will also help you process emotions around attachment and abandonment; as a result, moodier days lay ahead. Embrace it, and don’t be afraid to show it. 

The Scorpio/Taurus eclipse season— hard-won lessons in power and control 

This year, you can’t separate Scorpio season from Eclipse season. Throughout the weeks ahead, expect a supercharged new beginning and endings with Scorpianic and Taurian themes. 

Power and control aren’t inherently wrong. The context in which it’s applied and how it’s used makes it swing one way or the other. The Eclipses in Scorpio/Taurus will reveal entrenched power dynamics. Relationships with anything that leaves you disempowered can not remain under these eclipses. 

You’ve been here before. Look back to April/ May 2022 timeframe for clues. These eclipses echo what took place then. You can also read this overview.

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